For decades Labor Days was the traditional end of my summer. Then the laws changed and my children, as well as my wife the teacher, started going back to school earlier.
It’s not a new school year for me, but it is a new season. After 30 years with the Commonwealth of Virginia, and an additional fourteen or so years before that in the workforce, I am officially retired as of Sunday.
Finally, I have the time to write.
More accurately, finally I have no excuses not to make the time to write.
You may or may not have followed my blog The Write Side of My Brain. I’m still over there on occasion. Moving forward, I’ll also be writing here with a focus on my writing and art. An occasional theater or Santa reference may jump in there as well.
I’ll talk about my current and future projects. I’ll toss out some writing tips and resourses. I’ll probably whine a bit about struggling to write.
Thanks for coming by. You can see my published works and my other projects from the home page.
Let’s hit the keyboard.